AI-Using Student Survey

Generative Artificial Intelligence (GEN-AI) refers to advanced AI technologies designed to create visual content such as images, animations, and films based on input data or descriptions. Examples of GEN-AI include generative adversarial networks (GANs) and transformer-based models like DALL·E and MidJourney.

This survey aims to understand how art and design students in higher art education use generative AI tools, for their creative processes and academic assignments.  Participation is completely voluntary and anonymous, and your responses will remain confidential; no personal information that can identify you will be collected.

The results of this survey will be used to enhance education and will not affect academic performance or be used to identify plagiarism. Findings will be shared with students and faculty in higher art education and may also be shared with other educational institutions to support broader insights into the role of AI in creative education. Completing the survey will take approximately 5–10 minutes.

AI-Using Student Survey
1. Do you agree to share your anonymous responses for research purposes and allow them to be combined with others for public insights?
7. For which part of the creative process do you use generative AI?
10. Do you think your tutors understand how generative AI will be used in your future career?
12. Which aspect of generative AI do you most prefer to study?